Q&A with Mona Souli: Part 1 – Navigating cultural nuances and regional strategies in global communities
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It’s January – time for all of us to set 20 resolutions and give up 4 weeks later. And of course, one of them must be about eating healthier. Sounds familiar? Yeah, me too.
That said, the new year does give us a chance to reflect on the past 12 months and have a fresh start. So, I asked around the team to see what resolutions they’ve set for work this year. Here’s what they had to say.
Our Insight Manager Sarah Whelan is aiming to find more time to dig into industry reports when it comes to consumer insights this year. There’s so much relevant and interesting information out there, which can give you lots of ideas for different ways to approach projects and things to incorporate into proposals and questionnaires.
We’re all guilty of keeping our heads down and moving to the next project as soon as the last one is over.
But our Innovation Director Sarah Askew is determined to find time and celebrate our wins, whether that’s delivering a big business impact for a client or a creative new approach. If we don’t pause, reflect and celebrate our successes, who will?
Head of Custom Insight, Frances Revel-Cooper, wants to get rid of those end of day Friday deadlines. “What’s the point? No one is going to read it until Monday anyway.”
Researchers aren’t just data crunchers. We’re storytellers, advisors, and partners. Our Senior Insight Director Olly Wilson is focused on building even stronger relationships with stakeholders this year:
“I want to make sure insights actually get used – because what’s the point if no one acts on them? It’s all about getting closer to the business and making sure our insights drive real action.”
So, will these resolutions last longer than January? Who knows. But what’s clear is that small changes in how we approach work can make a big difference, with positive outcomes to us and clients we work with!
And if you’re still holding on to that “eat healthier” resolution – good luck. I’m right there with you…
Happy New Year!
Akvile Lukauskaite
Senior Marketing Manager