About us Meet the team

Researchbods is the human face of research, bringing our expertise to life, and inspiring people to embrace insight innovation. We’re problem solvers, multitaskers and team players. Our team brings together the best talent to deliver a great service.

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We’re innovative

We strive to keep improving. To develop and grow. We work with academics, designers, developers and other creatives to create new approaches, leverage new technology and try new ways of working. Innovation is our lifeblood and we aim to set trends, not follow them.

We’re flexible

We’ve built our team and tech to meet your brand’s needs. We respond quickly to small and large briefs. We care about your outcomes. We want you to feel like we’re members of your own team, and if that means changing directions for the greater good… we’re right there alongside you.
Woman working at desk

We love a challenge

We challenge conventional thinking. We challenge the mediocre and the assumed. We challenge ourselves to be the best we can be and we love it when our clients challenge us.

Everyone gets a spot on the wall. Everyone is important.

Adam Ashiwaju

Group Information Security Manager and DPO

Adam Lawson

Service Desk Team Lead

Akvile Lukauskaite

Senior Marketing Manager

Alice Taylor

Senior Insight Executive

Alicia Myers

Insight Director

Anas Adan

1st Line Support Analyst

Antonios Chrysakis

Lead Developer

Alexander Swainston

Insight Executive

Andrew Dare

Group CTO

Researchbods andy smith

Andy Smith

Scripting Development Lead

Ben Mahon

Data Lead UK

Beth Bleathman

Insight Manager

Bogomil Bakardjiev

Junior Scripter

Caleb Romulus

Systems & Infrastructure Engineer

Researchbods chloe emerson

Chloe Emerson

Head of PM and Onboarding

Charlie Milner

Senior Insight Executive​

Charlotte Moody

Managing Director

Claire Reid

Client Director

Dayana Nenova

Junior Data Processor

Dimitar Dimitrov

Data Processor

Darren Sloper

Creative Director

Researchbods Danielle Swift

Danielle Swift

Associate Insight Director

David Browning

Business Central System Administrator

Ellen Brain

Senior Insight Executive

Evie Turner

Senior Insight Executive​

Evie Paddon

Insight Executive

Researchbods Frances Revel

Frances Revel

Head of Custom Insight

Georgi Padarski


Georgia Tyler

Senior Insight Executive

Francesca Casaburi

Insight Manager

Hailey Jones

Senior Project Manager​

Researchbods Hannah Barnes

Hannah Barnes

Associate Insight Director

Hannah Downs

Head of Insight

Hannah Sealy

Head of Client Services (C&I)​

Researchbods Helen Hilton

Helen Hilton

Finance Manager

Harninder Kaur

Community Manager

Harry Rice

Insight Manager

Ico Karabadzhakov

Scripting Team Leader

Iliya Shopov


Jack Hemingway

Project Manager

Jonathan Clough

Group COO

Jayne Edge

Project Manager

Researchbods jemima edwards

Jemima Edwards

Client Manager

John Horgan

Senior Insight Director

Jordan Velikov

Data Processor

Researchbods Jonny McHugh

Jonny McHugh

MI Lead ​

Researchbods Jim Parkinson

Jim Parkinson

Insight Director

Researchbods Joe Wooley

Joe Woolley

Associate Insight Director

Researchbods Kelsey Catchpole

Kelsey Catchpole

Project Team Leader

Kevin Mockett

Senior Counsel

Katie Clark

Senior Creative Designer

Katie Cowan

Senior Community Manager

Kellie Hickson

Senior Onboarding Coordinator

Katie Francis

Insight Director

Researchbods kirk stevens

Kirk Stevens

Agile Delivery Lead

Kotryna Griniute

People and Culture Advisor

Kristiyan Angelov

Onboarding Front End Developer

Lizzie Raistrick

Motion Creative

Researchbods Lizzie Corner

Lizzie Corner

Product Owner

Researchbods Laura Montenegro

Laura Montenegro

Senior Project Manager

Lucy Alexander

Lucy Alexander

Community Technical Lead​

Lucy Barlow

Insight Executive

Luke Iremonger

Insight Manager

Louise Scott

Senior Client Manager

Magdalena Vasileva

Quality Assurance

Marcus Silversides

Group Head of Information Security

Mario Popov


Martin Georgiev


Researchbods Matthew Sheldon

Matt Sheldon

Head of Infrastructure

Marchela Uzunova

Project Manager

Martin Varbov

Scripting Lead Bulgaria

Maria Petrova

Data Integrity Manager

Manny Opara

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

Researchbods Melanie Ratcliffe

Melanie Ratcliffe

Senior Data Executive

researchbods Mia Mckeown

Mia Mckeown

Data Integrity Manager

Researchbods Michael Constantinou

Michael Constantinou

Full Stack Engineer

Millie Holliday

Insight Assistant

researchbods Mona Souli

Mona Souli

Community Strategy Director​

Mona-Lisa Curry

Community Manager

Nicola Abbott

Community Manager

Nicola Clough

Group Legal Counsel

Nick Seymour

Test Developer

Nikolay Ivanov

MI Analyst

Nina Koukoulari

Insight Director

Researchbods Neda Georgieva

Neda Georgieva

Finance Assistant

researchbods Nick Offord-Middleton

Nick Offord-Middleton

Senior Data Executive

Oliver Wilson

Senior Insight Director

Peter Strachan

Insight Director

Researchbods Rachel Walsh

Rachel Walsh

Associate Insight Director

Robert Crossley

Head of Group IT

Robert Wakerell

Associate Insight Director

Researchbods Robert Webster

Robert Webster

Programme Manager

Researchbods robbie stewart

Robbie Stewart

Group Operations Director

Researchbods Russell Odom

Russell Odom

Infrastructure Architect

Ray Nichols

Infrastructure Engineer

Sarah Askew

Innovations Director

Sarah Whelan

Insight Manager

Sarah Woodeson

Client Director

Shameeha Mohammed

Group Reporting Accountant

Shreya Dharmavat

Community Manager

Staminir Mitev


Steliyan Kapitanov


researchbods steven bird

Steven Bird

Insight Director

researchbods Susan Hargadon

Susan Hargadon

Head of People

Researchbods Stuart Jones

Stuart Jones

Head of Community Management

Sam Watson

Senior Insight Manager

Thomas Aylett

Client Director (C&I)​

Taryn Peart

Group Marketing Manager

Researchbods Tabita Razaila

Tabita Razaila

Head of Operations

Researchbods Telyn Roat

Telyn Norman

Senior Engineer

Teresa Mayoral

Community Manager

Tim Hitchins

AWS Infrastructure Engineer

Researchbods Christina Rider

Tina Rader

Bilingual Community Manager and Moderator

Valentina Turlakova

Data and QA Lead Bulgaria

Researchbods Vera Delipavlova

Vera Delipavlova

Managing Director - STRAT7 Bulgaria

Researchbods Vicky Fennell

Vicky Fennell

Senior Data Executive

Vivien Bairstow

Finance Administrator

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Exposure to big brands. Interesting projects. Talented and supportive co-workers. Oh and that’s not to mention all the perks. Why not find out more about working for us?

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